Associate Investigators · Investigators
PD Dr. Joachim Boldt

PD Dr. Joachim Boldt
Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (Faculty of Medicine)
University of Freiburg
University of Freiburg
T +49 761 203 5048
Further Information
Ethics, bioscience, responsible research, metaphor, narrative
10 selected publications:
- Towards a Unified List of Ethical Principles for Emerging Technologies. An Analysis of Four European Reports on Molecular Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.
Boldt J, Orru E (2022) Sustainable Futures. 10.1016/j.sftr.2022.100086 - Evaluating models of consent in changing health research environments.
Wiertz S, Boldt J (2022)
Med Health Care and Philos; 10.1007/s11019-022-10074-3 - The Concept of Vulnerability in Medical Ethics and Philosophy. Opportunities and Challenges.
Boldt (2019) Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10.1186/s13010-019-0075-6. - Machine Metaphors and Ethics in Synthetic Biology.
Boldt J (2018)
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10.1186/s40504-018-0077-y - Care in Healthcare. Reflections on Theory and Practice.
Krause F, Boldt J (eds.) (2018)
Palgrave Macmillan. - Synthetic biology. Metaphors, Worldviews, Ethics, and Law.
Boldt J (ed.) (2016)
Springer, Berlin. - Life as a Technological Product. Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of Synthetic Biology.
Boldt J (2013)
Biological Theory 8, 10.1007/s13752-013-0138-7 - Do We Have A Moral Obligation to Synthesize Organisms to Increase Biodiversity? On Kinship, Awe, and the Value of Life's Diversity.
Boldt J (2013)
Bioethics 27; 411-418. - Creating Life: Synthetic Biology and Ethics.
Boldt J (2013);
In: Kaebnick GE, Murray TH (eds.)
Synthetic Biology and Morality. Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature. MIT, Cambridge/MA, 35-50. - Newtons of the leaves of grass.
Boldt J, Müller O (2008)
Nature Biotechnology 26; 387-389.
It may be true that sometimes, some parts of the public do not accurately understand scientific concepts and research. It may also be true, though, that sometimes, some parts of the scientific community do not adequately understand the rational basis of public worries and mistrust. Research in ethics and philosophy of science must address both shortcomings
10 selected publications:
- Machine metaphors and ethics in synthetic biology.
Boldt J (2018)
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14,1, doi: 10.1186/s40504-018-0077-y - Ethical principles for the use of human cellular biotechnologies.
Wolpe PR, Rommelfanger KS, Drafting and Reviewing Delegates of the BEINGS Working Groups (2017).
Nat Biotechnol. 35, 1050–1058. - Genetics, epigenetics, and forms of action. About the ethical ambivalence of epigenetic knowledge.
Boldt J (2017). In: Reinhard Heil, Stefanie B Seitz, Harald König, Jürgen Robienski (Eds.): Epigenetics. Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects.
Springer VS, p. 69-82. - Synthetic biology. Metaphors, Worldviews, Ethics, and Law.
Boldt J (Hg.) (2016)
Springer, Wiesbaden. - Ethische Prinzipien zur Beurteilung von neuen Biotechnologien. Ein Vergleich von drei Stellungnahmen.
Boldt J (2016).
Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik 24, S. 99-111. - Do We Have A Moral Obligation to Synthesize Organisms to Increase Biodiversity? On Kinship, Awe, and the Value of Life's Diversity.
Boldt J (2013). Bioethics 27, 8, 411-418. - Life as a technological product. Philosophical and ethical aspects of synthetic biology.
Boldt J (2013).
Biological Theory 8, 4, 391-401. - Creating Life: Synthetic Biology and Ethics.
Boldt J (2013). In: Gregory E. Kaebnick, Thomas H. Murray (Hg.): Synthetic Biology and Morality. Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature.
MIT, Cambridge/MA, S. 35-50. - Leben schaffen? Ethische Reflexionen zur Synthetischen Biologie.
Boldt J, Müller O, Maio G (Hg.) (2012).
Mentis, Paderborn. - Newtons of the leaves of grass.
Boldt J, Müller O (2008).
Nat Biotechnol. 26,4, 387-389.