CIBSS Publications

Chimeric 3D-gastruloids - a versatile tool for studies of mammalian peri-gastrulation development

Wehmeyer AE, Schüle KM, Conrad A, Schröder CM, Probst S, Arnold SJ.

Development. 2022. DOI: 10.1242/dev.200812

Novel insights into the origin and development of CNS macrophage subsets

Masuda T, Amann L, Prinz M.

Clin Transl Med. 2022; DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.1096

Multiplexed biosensor for point-of-care COVID-19 monitoring: CRISPR-powered unamplified RNA diagnostics and protein-based therapeutic drug management

Johnston M, Ceren Ates H, Glatz RT, Mohsenin H, Schmachtenberg R, Göppert N, Huzly D, Urban GA, Weber W, Dincer C.

Mater Today (Kidlington). 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2022.11.001

Extending Janus lectins architecture: Characterization and application to protocells

Notova S, Siukstaite L, Rosato F, Vena F, Audfray A, Bovin N, Landemarre L, Römer W, Imberty A.

Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2022; doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2022.11.005.


Quality assessment in light microscopy for routine use through simple tools and robust metrics

Faklaris O, Bancel-Vallée L, Dauphin A, Monterroso B, Frère P, Geny D, Manoliu T, de Rossi S, Cordelières FP, Schapman D, Nitschke R, Cau J, Guilbert T.

J Cell Biol. 2022. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202107093

Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads.

Paolicelli RC, Sierra A, Stevens B, Tremblay ME, Aguzzi A, Ajami B, Amit I, Audinat E, Bechmann I, Bennett M, Bennett F, Bessis A, Biber K, Bilbo S, Blurton-Jones M, Boddeke E, Brites D, Brône B, Brown GC, Butovsky O, Carson MJ, Castellano B, Colonna M, Cowley SA, Cunningham C, Davalos D, De Jager PL, de Strooper B, Denes A, Eggen BJL, Eyo U, Galea E, Garel S, Ginhoux F, Glass CK, Gokce O, Gomez-Nicola D, González B, Gordon S, Graeber MB, Greenhalgh AD, Gressens P, Greter M, Gutmann DH, Haass C, Heneka MT, Heppner FL, Hong S, Hume DA, Jung S, Kettenmann H, Kipnis J, Koyama R, Lemke G, Lynch M, Majewska A, Malcangio M, Malm T, Mancuso R, Masuda T, Matteoli M, McColl BW, Miron VE, Molofsky AV, Monje M, Mracsko E, Nadjar A, Neher JJ, Neniskyte U, Neumann H, Noda M, Peng B, Peri F, Perry VH, Popovich PG, Pridans C, Priller J, Prinz M, Ragozzino D, Ransohoff RM, Salter MW, Schaefer A, Schafer DP, Schwartz M, Simons M, Smith CJ, Streit WJ, Tay TL, Tsai LH, Verkhratsky A, von Bernhardi R, Wake H, Wittamer V, Wolf SA, Wu LJ, Wyss-Coray T.

Neuron. 2022; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.10.020


Do common infections trigger disease-onset or -severity in CTLA-4 insufficiency?

Krausz M, Mitsuiki N, Falcone V, Komp J, Posadas-Cantera S, Lorenz HM, Litzman J, Wolff D, Kanariou M, Heinkele A, Speckmann C, Häcker G, Hengel H, Gámez-Díaz L, Grimbacher B. 

Front Immunol. 2022; DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1011646

Impact of older age in patients receiving atezolizumab and bevacizumab for hepatocellular carcinoma

Vithayathil M, D'Alessio A, Fulgenzi CAM, Nishida N, Schönlein M, von Felden J, Schulze K, Wege H, Saeed A, Wietharn B, Hildebrand H, Wu L, Ang C, Marron TU, Weinmann A, Galle PR, Bettinger D, Bengsch B, Vogel A, Balcar L, Scheiner B, Lee PC, Huang YH, Amara S, Muzaffar M, Naqash AR, Cammarota A, Personeni N, Pressiani T, Pinter M, Cortellini A, Kudo M, Rimassa L, Pinato DJ, Sharma R.

Liver Int. 2022. DOI: 10.1111/liv.15405

MARVEL-domain containing CMTM4 affects CXCR4 trafficking

Bona A, Seifert M, Thünauer R, Zodel K, Frew IJ, Römer W, Walz G, Yakulov TA.

Mol Biol Cell. 2022. DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E22-05-0152

Identification of a TPP1 Q278X Mutation in an Iranian Patient with Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 2: Literature Review and Mutations Update

Baranzehi T, Kordi-Tamandani DM, Najafi M, Khajeh A, Schmidts M.


J Clin Med. 2022; DOI: 10.3390/jcm11216415

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