CIBSS Career & Support

For Doctoral Candidates

One of the primary missions of CIBSS is to support doctoral candidates from various life science disciplines who are researching topics and questions relevant to the CIBSS research programme. Our goal is to assist early career researchers in demonstrating scientific independence and achieving excellence in skills and results at early stages of their careers, effectively preparing them for a career in academia or beyond. To achieve this, CIBSS collaborates with the University of Freiburg’s central institutions and structured doctoral programmes, focusing on:

  • High-quality, structured, and needs-based scientific education
  • Outstanding professional mentorship
  • Financial support for employment and conference and travel expenses
  • Consultation and development of cross-disciplinary key skills

All doctoral candidates funded by CIBSS receive training within structured doctoral programmes, predominantly as part of the CIBSS Track at the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM). Depending on the individual situations and needs of the doctoral candidates, integration into other structured graduate programmes is possible, including the Research Training Group “MeInBio”, the International Max Planck Research School for Immunobiology, Epigenetics, and Metabolism (IMPRS-IEM), the Hermann Staudinger Graduate School (Faculty of Chemistry), or the MOTI-VATE Doctoral Programme (Faculty of Medicine).

At the University of Freiburg, high standards are maintained to ensure appropriate completion times for doctoral studies, to promote a culture of excellent mentorship, and to uphold good scientific practice. All programmes that collaborate with CIBSS adhere to these standards.

Cross-Disciplinary Support and Qualification Programmes

Doctoral students in CIBSS projects and research groups, who are enrolled or registered at the University of Freiburg, have access to:

CIBSS Track at the Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine -
an international and multidisciplinary graduate programme

The Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM) is an international, English-language, multidisciplinary graduate programme designed to assist doctoral candidates in life sciences disciplines in integrating knowledge and techniques from various fields, combining fundamental research with translational research, biotechnology, and drug development.


Mentoring and feedback at SGBM

  • Individual scientific mentorship by CIBSS investigators
  • Annual meetings with advisory committee for academic support, scientific input, feedback, and career advice (Thesis Committee, comprising at least two scientists)
  • Meetings with programme coordinator
  • Monthly meetings for all doctoral candidates with project presentations
  • Central ombuds process to support resolution of potential conflicts

Application and onboarding at SGBM

  • There is currently no open call for the CIBSS Track in SGBM
  • Recruitment in cohorts aligned with CIBSS project funding rounds
  • Ongoing regular selection rounds to admit proactive applications
  • Support for visa applications, work permits, registration with city authorities, health insurance, bank accounts, and finding accommodation

Tailored curriculum and career development at SGBM

  • Engages no more than 10% of working time
  • Forward-looking topics in signalling research
  • Courses on: scientific work and writing, good research practice (according to DFG criteria), image editing and illustration creation, project management, statistics, presentation
  • Basic introductions and training in cutting-edge techniques, e.g., data analysis and bioinformatics, epigenetics and single-cell omics, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, handling animals and experiments
  • Workshops to develop individual perspectives and plans for careers within and outside academia
  • Access to optional courses from the Start-Up Office and the Department of University and Science Communication
  • Annual career evenings

Networking, interdisciplinary and international collaboration at SGBM

  • Annual retreats and networking meetings
  • Workshops and conferences organised by doctoral candidates
  • Faculty and university wide assemblies
  • CIBSS Work-in-Progress seminars: opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange, input, feedback, and networking
  • Subsidies for (international) travel to scientific events, further training, and research stays abroad 

>> Are you a doctoral student and have you just started working in a CIBSS lab or research group? Please get in touch with the SGBM study coordinator Dr. Alida Filippi at sgbm-info(at) to benefit from the SGBM’s offerings.


Are you interested in pursuing a doctorate in biological signalling studies?

Do you want to learn more about the opportunities CIBSS offers for doctoral candidates?

Are you the first academic in your family and do you have more general questions about pursuing a doctorate and working in the academic context after your studies?

Do you have questions about the career prospects and opportunities that a doctorate in biological signalling studies can open up?

Please contact

  • Dr. Dengfeng Huang, our Early Career Programme Coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. Anne Classen, Chair of CIBSS’s Scientific Career Commitee, the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Committee and director of SGBM
  • Prof. Dr. Olaf Groß, CIBSS ally for first-generation scholars