10 Selected Publications
- A systematic review of metabolomic findings in adult and pediatric renal disease Moritz, L., Schumann, A., Pohl, M., Kottgen, A., Hannibal, L.*, and Spiekerkoetter, U.* (2024), Clin Biochem123, 110703.
- Metabolic phenotyping in phenylketonuria reveals disease clustering independently of metabolic control, Moritz, L., Klotz, K., Grunert, S. C., Hannibal, L.*, and Spiekerkoetter, U.* (2023) Mol Genet Metab138, 107509.
- Spic regulates one-carbon metabolism and histone methylation in ground-state pluripotency, Mirzadeh Azad, F., Struys, E. A., Wingert, V., Hannibal, L., Mills, K., Jansen, J. H., Longley, D. B., Stunnenberg, H. G., and Atlasi, Y. (2023) Sci Adv9, eadg7997.
- Fatty acid metabolism in aggressive B-cell lymphoma is inhibited by tetraspanin CD37, Peeters, R., Cuenca-Escalona, J., Zaal, E. A., Hoekstra, A. T., Balvert, A. C. G., Vidal-Manrique, M., Blomberg, N., van Deventer, S. J., Stienstra, R., Jellusova, J., Giera, M., Hannibal, L., Spiekerkoetter, U., Ter Beest, M., Berkers, C. R., and van Spriel, A. B. (2022) Nat Commun13, 5371.
- Versatile enzymology and heterogeneous phenotypes in cobalamin complementation type C disease, Esser, A. J., Mukherjee, S., Dereven'kov, I. A., Makarov, S. V., Jacobsen, D. W., Spiekerkoetter, U., and Hannibal, L*. (2022) iScience25, 104981.
- Thiolatocobalamins repair the activity of pathogenic variants of the human cobalamin processing enzyme CblC, Wingert, V., Mukherjee, S., Esser, A. J., Behringer, S., Tanimowo, S., Klenzendorf, M., Derevenkov, I. A., Makarov, S. V., Jacobsen, D. W., Spiekerkoetter, U., and Hannibal, L.* (2021) Biochimie183, 108-125.
- Multifunctional Cytochrome c: Learning New Tricks from an Old Dog, Alvarez-Paggi, D., Hannibal, L., Castro, M. A., Oviedo-Rouco, S., Demicheli, V., Tortora, V., Tomasina, F., Radi, R., and Murgida, D. H. (2017), Chem Rev117, 13382-13460.
- The MMACHC proteome: hallmarks of functional cobalamin deficiency in humans, Hannibal, L.*, DiBello, P. M., Yu, M., Miller, A., Wang, S., Willard, B., Rosenblatt, D. S., and Jacobsen, D. W. (2011) Mol Genet Metab103, 226-239.
- A human vitamin B12 trafficking protein uses glutathione transferase activity for processing alkylcobalamins, Kim, J., Hannibal, L., Gherasim, C., Jacobsen, D. W., and Banerjee, R. (2009) J Biol Chem284, 33418-33424.
- Processing of alkylcobalamins in mammalian cells: A role for the MMACHC (cblC) gene product, Hannibal, L., Kim, J., Brasch, N. E., Wang, S., Rosenblatt, D. S., Banerjee, R., and Jacobsen, D. W. (2009) Mol Genet Metab97, 260-266.