Associate Investigators · Investigators

Dr. Pascal Schlosser

Dr. Pascal Schlosser


Dr. Pascal Schlosser
Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, University Medical Center (Faculty of Medicine)
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US

T +49 761 27078240

Further Information

10 selected publications

  • X-chromosome and kidney function: evidence from a multi-trait genetic analysis of 908,697 individuals reveals sex-specific and sex-differential findings in genes regulated by androgen response elements.
    Scholz M, Horn K, Pott J,…, Köttgen A, Schlosser P, Pattaro C (2024).
    Nat Commun. 15(1):586.
  • Transcriptome- and proteome-wide association studies nominate determinants of kidney function and damage.
    Schlosser P, Zhang J, Liu H, Surapaneni AL, Rhee EP, Arking DE, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Welling PA, Chatterjee N, Susztak K, Coresh J, Grams ME (2023).
    Genome Biol. 24(1):150.
  • Genetic studies of paired metabolomes reveal enzymatic and transport processes at the interface of plasma and urine.
    Schlosser P, Scherer N, Grundner-Culemann F, Monteiro-Martins S, Haug S, Steinbrenner I, Uluvar B, Wuttke M, Cheng Y, Ekici AB, Gyimesi G, Karoly ED, Kotsis F, Mielke J, Gomez MF, Yu B, Grams ME, Coresh J, Boerwinkle E, Köttgen M, Kronenberg F, Meiselbach H, Mohney RP, Akilesh S; GCKD Investigators; Schmidts M, Hediger MA, Schultheiss UT, Eckardt KU, Oefner PJ, Sekula P, Li Y, Köttgen A (2023).
    Nat Genet. 55(6):995-1008.
  • Plasma proteome analyses in individuals of European and African ancestry identify cis-pQTLs and models for proteome-wide association studies.
    Zhang J, Dutta D, Köttgen A, Tin A, Schlosser P, Grams ME, Harvey B; CKDGen Consortium; Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Coresh J, Chatterjee N (2022).
    Nat Genet. 54(5):593-602
  • Epigenome-wide association study of serum urate reveals insights into urate co-regulation and the SLC2A9 locus.
    Tin A, Schlosser P, Matias-Garcia PR, et al (2021).
    Nat Commun. 12(1):7173.
  • pgainsim: an R-package to assess the mode of inheritance for quantitative trait loci in GWAS.
    Scherer N, Sekula P, Pfaffelhuber P, Schlosser P (2021).
    Bioinformatics. 37(18):3061-3063.
  • Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage.
    Schlosser P, Tin A, Matias-Garcia PR, T et al (2021).
    Nat Commun. 12(1):7174.
  • Netboost: Boosting-supported network analysis improves high-dimensional omics prediction in acute myeloid leukemia and huntington's disease.
    Schlosser P, Knaus J, Schmutz M, Dohner K, Plass C, Bullinger L, Claus R, Binder H, Lubbert M, Schumacher M (2021).
    IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform. 18(6):2635-2648.
  • Genetic studies of urinary metabolites illuminate mechanisms of detoxification and excretion in humans.
    Schlosser P, Li Y, Sekula P, Raffler J, Grundner-Culemann F, Pietzner M, Cheng Y, Wuttke M, Steinbrenner I, Schultheiss UT, Kotsis F, Kacprowski T, Forer L, Hausknecht B, Ekici AB, Nauck M, Völker U; GCKD Investigators; Walz G, Oefner PJ, Kronenberg F, Mohney RP, Köttgen M, Suhre K, Eckardt KU, Kastenmüller G, Köttgen A (2020).
    Nat Genet. 52(2):167-176.
  • Combination treatment of acute myeloid leukemia cells with DNMT and HDAC inhibitors: predominant synergistic gene downregulation associated with gene body demethylation.
    Blagitko-Dorfs N, Schlosser P, Greve G, Pfeifer D, Meier R, Baude A, Brocks D, Plass C, Lübbert M (2019).
    Leukemia. 33(4):945-956.