Light microscopy especially confocal microscopy has seen tremendous developments - technical devices, software and application techniques - over the last 25 years. Our group with the Life Imaging Center has been actively participated in many fields just to name: fast live cell imaging, 2-Photon microscopy, spectral imaging, large area sample recording and image stitching, light-sheet microscopy, automatic intelligent content based image recording, high dynamic range imaging. Recently we have focused on improving instrument and data reliability of light microscopes as well as proper data storage and reporting of image recording methods and conditions. We are part of the DIN-Normenausschuss Feinmechanik und Optik NA 027-01-04 AA Microscopes and the ISO/TC 172/SC 5 Microscopes and endoscopes working groups 3, 9 and 10. We have founded QUAREP-LiMi, the international initiative “Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments & Images in Light Microscopy" (, and are coordinating now more than 350 members worldwide from academia, industry and national standardization organizations.
light microscopy methods and techniques, standardization and quality control in light microscopy