Events for
members and
Past Events
CIBSS Work in Progress Seminars
CIBSS WiP Seminar
CIBSS Project A113 (Lillemeier) / CLP Talward-Balland
FRIAS Lunch Lecture: Exploring Genetic Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture
Talk by Jürgen Kleine-Vehn within the event series "Sustain Abilities: Research Perspectives beyond Disciplines"
MoreJoint Seminar CIBSS / SFB 1381
CIBSS Seminar
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hammerschmidt (Institute of Zoology - Developmental Biology, Biocenter Cologne)
MoreCIBSS Work in Progress Seminars
CIBSS WiP Seminar
CIBSS Collaboration Project Knobeloch / Schamel
MoreCIBSS Seminar Series
CIBSS Seminar
Prof. Dr. Adolfo Saiardi (Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London, UK)
MoreEarly Career Event
Grant Proposal Writing Online
SESSION 3: Communicate your project convincingly