Associate Investigators · Investigators
Prof. Dr. Sonja-Verena Albers

Prof. Dr. Sonja-Verena Albers
Institute of Biology II,
Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
Institute of Biology II,
Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
T +49 761 203 2630
Further Information
10 selected publications:
- The archaeal protein SepF is essential for cell division in Haloferax volcanii.
Nußbaum P, Gerstner M, Dingethal M, Erb C, Albers SV (2021)
Nature Commun, 12: 3469. - An oscillating MinD protein determines the cellular position of the motility machinery in Archaea.
Nußbaum P, Ithurbide S, Walsh JC, Patro M, Delpech F, Rodriguez-Franco M, Curmi PMG, Duggin IG, Quax TEF, Albers SV (2020)
Curr Biol 30:4956-4972.e4. - The periplasmic FlaG/F complex structure and its essential role for archaellar swimming motility.
Tsai C.-L., Tripp P, Sivabalasarma S, Zhang C, Rodriguez-Franco M, Wipfler RL, Chaudhury P, Banerjee A, Beeby M, Whitaker RJ, Tainer JA, Albers SV (2020)
Nature Microbiol, 5:216–225. - Species-Specific Recognition of Sulfolobales Mediated by UV-Inducible Pili and S-Layer Glycosylation Patterns.
Wolferen M, Shajahan A, Heinrich K, Brenzinger S, Black IM, Wagner A, Briegel A, Azadi P, Albers SV (2020)
mBio 11:e03014-19. - Positioning of the motility machinery in halophilic archaea.
Li Z, Kinosita Y, Rodriguez-Franco M, Nußbaum P, Braun F, Delpech F, Quax TEF, Albers SV (2019) mBio, 10(3). pii: e00377-19. - The archaeal Ced system imports DNA.
van Wolferen M, Wagner A, van der Does C, Albers SV. (2016).
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113:2496-501. - FlaF is a β-sandwich protein that anchors the archaellum in the archaeal cell envelope by binding the S-layer protein.
Banerjee A, Tsai CL, Chaudhury P, Tripp P, Arvai AS, Ishida JP, Tainer JA, Albers SV (2015)
Structure, 23:863-72. - Archaeal Signal Transduction: Impact of Protein Phosphatase Deletions on Cell Size, Motility and Energy Metabolism in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.
Reimann J, Esser D, Orell A, Amman F, Pham TK, Noirel J, Lindas AC, Bernander R, Wright PC, Siebers B, Albers SV. (2013)
Mol Cell Proteomics, 12:3908-23. - Lrs14 transcriptional regulators influence biofilm formation and cell motility of Crenarchaea.
Orell A, Peeters E, Vassen V, Jachlewski S, Schalles S, Siebers B and Albers SV (2013)
The ISME J 7, 1886-1898. - Insights on FlaI Functions in archaeal motor assembly and motility from structures, conformations and genetics.
Reindl S, Ghosh A, Williams GJ, Lassak K, Neiner T, Henche AL, Albers SV * and Tainer JA *(2013)
Mol Cell 49, 1069-82.