CIBSS Postdocs

CIBSS Launchpad Funds

CIBSS recognises that the postdoctoral phase is a critical time for the transition to scientific independence. As part of the CIBSS Launchpad Programme (CLP), CIBSS provides Launchpad Funds in two tracks: the Grant Proposal Track and the Research Project Track.


If you are interested in applying for either track, please contact the CIBSS Early Career Coordinator Dr. Dengfeng Huang, dengfeng.huang(at) for further information and the application guideline.


Research Project Track


Research Project Track funding provides postdoctoral researchers with the necessary resources and support to generate their own independent scientific data. Generation of this data should serve either of these two goals: 1) use as a preliminary data set for an independent grant application or 2) publication in an independent publication, of which the postdoc will be a corresponding author. You can request Research Project Track funds for a research project running from 6 to 18 months.



Postdoctoral researchers working in CIBSS research groups. You should be at least in your 2nd year of your postdoc but not more than 4 years after your PhD defence. For primary caregivers providing childcare within this period, this time frame will be extended by two years per child, while the deadline for the secondary caregivers will be extended by one year per child. You will have to be employed at the University of Freiburg, the University Medical Centre, or the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics for the whole duration of receiving Research Project Track funding. The Research Project Track is not designed to provide bridge funding between jobs.


Duration and conditions of support

In the Research Project Track, you can request funds for a research project running from 6 to 18 months. You can request funding for either one or both of these two modules:

Salary. The salary may range from covering up to 20% of your regular contract for 18 months or up to 50% of your regular contract for a period of 6 months, so that you can work 20% - 50% of your time on your own independent Launchpad project.

Research funds or travel funds. The maximum funding sum in this module is € 18,000 for up to 18 months per applicant. The funding must be used according to the guidelines for the use of funds by the DFG (Verwendungsrichtlinie der DFG, e.g., lab consumables, student assistants' contracts or travel, etc.).


Grant Proposal Track


Grant Proposal Track funding provides postdoctoral researchers with the necessary time, support and mentorship to conceptualise, write, and submit competitive grants or applications. These include independent grant or fellowship proposals or application for a competitive junior group leader position in the field of signalling research. In the Grant Proposal Track, funds can be requested in the form of an independent salary.



Postdoctoral researchers working in CIBSS research groups who intend to submit their grant proposals or group leader position application in the area of integrative biological signalling research. Grant Proposal Track funding is not designed to provide bridge funding between jobs.


Duration and conditions of support

Grant Proposal Track funds cover up to a 100% salary for three months. You can request these funds in either of the following situations:

While writing a proposal for independent third-party funding for your position and your own research in the field of biological signalling. Examples: DFG Emmy Noether Programme, ERC Starting Grant, Walter Benjamin Programme, Marie Curie Fellowships.

While writing an application for a competitive group leader position. Examples: MPI junior group leader, EMBL junior group leader.