CIBSS Publications

Inositol pyrophosphate InsP8 acts as an intracellular phosphate signal in arabidopsis

Dong J, Ma G, Sui L, Wei M, Satheesh V, Zhang R, Ge S, Li J, Zhang TE, Wittwer C, Jessen HJ, Zhang H, An GY, Chao DY, Liu D, Lei M.

Mol Plant. 2019;12(11):1463-1473.


Deconstructing and reconstructing resilience: A dynamic network approach

Kalisch R, Cramer AOJ, Binder H, Fritz J, Leertouwer I, Lunansky G, Meyer B, Timmer J, Veer IM, van Harmelen AL.

Perspect Psychol Sci. 2019;14(5):765-777.


Macrophages at CNS interfaces: ontogeny and function in health and disease

Kierdorf K, Masuda T, Jordão MJC, Prinz M.

Nat Rev Neurosci. 2019;20(9):547-562


Evolutionary divergent PEX3 is essential for glycosome biogenesis and survival of trypanosomatid parasites

Kalel VC, Li M, Gaussmann S, Delhommel F, Schäfer AB, Tippler B, Jung M, Maier R, Oeljeklaus S, Schliebs W, Warscheid B, Sattler M, Erdmann R.

Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2019;1866(12):118520


CRISPR-Cas bioinformatics

Alkhnbashi OS, Meier T, Mitrofanov A, Backofen R, Voß B.

Methods. 2020;172:3-11


Pptc7 is an essential phosphatase for promoting mammalian mitochondrial metabolism and biogenesis

Niemi NM, Wilson GM, Overmyer KA, Vögtle FN, Myketin L, Lohman DC, Schueler KL, Attie AD, Meisinger C, Coon JJ, Pagliarini DJ.

Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):3197.


The German National Registry of Primary Immunodeficiencies (2012-2017)

El-Helou SM, Biegner AK, ... et al., .. Kindle G, Grimbacher B.

Front Immunol. 2019;10:1272.


Biosurface properties and lead adsorption in a clone of Sphagnum palustre (Mosses): Towards a unified protocol of biomonitoring of airborne heavy metal pollution

Di Palma A, González AG, Adamo P, Giordano S, Reski R, Pokrovsky OS

Chemosphere. 2019;236:124375


Extensions of ℓ1 regularization increase detection specificity for cell-type specific parameters in dynamic models

Dolejsch P, Hass H, Timmer J

BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 Jul 16;20(1):395.


Targeting microglia in brain disorders

Priller J, Prinz M.

Science. 2019;365(6448):32-33.

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