CIBSS Publications

AWD regulates timed activation of BMP signaling in intestinal stem cells to maintain tissue homeostasis

Tracy Cai X, Li H, Safyan A, Gawlik J, Pyrowolakis G, Jasper H.

Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 5;10(1):2988.


Loss of USP18 in microglia induces white matter pathology

Schwabenland M, Mossad O, Peres AG, Kessler F, Maron FJM, Harsan LA, Bienert T, von Elverfeldt D, Knobeloch KP, Staszewski O, Heppner FL, Meuwissen MEC, Mancini GMS, Prinz M, Blank T.

Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2019;7(1):106


The RNA workbench 2.0: next generation RNA data analysis

Fallmann J, Videm P, Bagnacani A, Batut B, Doyle MA, Klingstrom T, Eggenhofer F, Stadler PF, Backofen R, Grüning B.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2019;47(W1):W511-W515.


OpEn-tag-a customizable optogenetic toolbox to dissect subcellular signaling

Mühlhäuser WWD, Weber W, Radziwill G

ACS Synth Biol. 2019;8(7):1679-1684


Inositol polyphosphates promote T cell-independent humoral immunity via the regulation of Bruton's tyrosine kinase

Kim W, Kim E, Min H, Kim MG, Eisenbeis VB, Dutta AK, Pavlovic I, Jessen HJ, Kim S, Seong RH

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019;116(26):12952-12957


A pan-cancer analysis of synonymous mutations

Sharma Y, Miladi M, Dukare S, Boulay K, Caudron-Herger M, Groß M, Backofen R, Diederichs S.

Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):2569.


Tumor-associated reactive astrocytes aid the evolution of immunosuppressive environment in glioblastoma

 Henrik Heiland D, Ravi VM, Behringer SP, Frenking JH, Wurm J, Joseph K, Garrelfs NWC, Strähle J, Heynckes S, Grauvogel J, Franco P, Mader I, Schneider M, Potthoff AL, Delev D, Hofmann UG, Fung C, Beck J, Sankowski R, Prinz M, Schnell O.

Nat Commun. 2019 Jun 11;10(1):2541.


A subset of skin macrophages contributes to the surveillance and regeneration of local nerves

Kolter J, Feuerstein R, Zeis P, Hagemeyer N, Paterson N, d'Errico P, Baasch S, Amann L, Masuda T, Lösslein A, Gharun K, Meyer-Luehmann M, Waskow C, Franzke CW, Grün D, Lämmermann T, Prinz M, Henneke P.

Immunity. 2019;50(6):1482-1497


Proximal Lck promoter-driven Cre function Is limited in neonatal and ineffective in adult γδ T cell development

Fiala GJ, Schaffer AM, Merches K, Morath A, Swann J, Herr LA, Hils M, Esser C, Minguet S, Schamel WWA.

J Immunol. 2019;203(2):569-579


Mitochondrial protein translocation-associated degradation

Mårtensson CU, Priesnitz C, Song J, Ellenrieder L, Doan KN, Boos F, Floerchinger A, Zufall N, Oeljeklaus S, Warscheid B, Becker T.

Nature. 2019;569(7758):679-683.

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