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PD Dr. Klaus-Peter Knobeloch

PD Dr. Klaus-Peter Knobeloch
Institute for Neuropathology and IMITATE,
University Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine
Institute for Neuropathology and IMITATE,
University Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine
T +49 761 270 63104
Further Information
10 selected publications:
- Specification of CNS macrophage subsets occurs postnatally in defined niches.
Masuda T, Amann L, Monaco G, Sankowski R, Staszewski O, Krueger M, Del Gaudio F, He L, Paterson N, Nent E, Fernández-Klett F, Yamasaki A, Frosch M, Fliegauf M, Bosch LFP, Ulupinar H, Hagemeyer N, Schreiner D, Dorrier C, Tsuda M, Grothe C, Joutel A, Daneman R, Betsholtz C, Lendahl U, Knobeloch KP, Lämmermann T, Priller J, Kierdorf K, Prinz M (2022).
Nature. 604(7907):740-748. - Ring finger protein 213 assembles into a sensor for ISGylated proteins with antimicrobial activity.
Thery F, Martina L, Asselman C, Zhang Y, Vessely M, Repo H, Sedeyn K, Moschonas GD, Bredow C, Teo QW, Zhang J, Leandro K, Eggermont D, De Sutter D, Boucher K, Hochepied T, Festjens N, Callewaert N, Saelens X, Dermaut B, Knobeloch KP, Beling A, Sanyal S, Radoshevich L, Eyckerman S, Impens F (2021).
Nat Commun. 12(1):5772. - SCFFbxw5 targets kinesin-13 proteins to facilitate ciliogenesis.
Schweiggert J, Habeck G, Hess S, Mikus F, Beloshistov R, Meese K, Hata S, Knobeloch KP, Melchior F (2021).
EMBO J. 40(18):e107735. - Deep spatial profiling of human COVID-19 brains reveals neuroinflammation with distinct microanatomical microglia-T-cell interactions.
Schwabenland M, Salié H, Tanevski J, Killmer S, Lago MS, Schlaak AE, Mayer L, Matschke J, Püschel K, Fitzek A, Ondruschka B, Mei HE, Boettler T, Neumann-Haefelin C, Hofmann M, Breithaupt A, Genc N, Stadelmann C, Saez-Rodriguez J, Bronsert P, Knobeloch KP, Blank T, Thimme R, Glatzel M, Prinz M, Bengsch B (2021).
Immunity. 54(7):1594-1610.e11. - Inhibition of papain-like protease PLpro blocks SARS-CoV-2 spread and promotes anti-viral immunity.
Shin D, Mukherjee R, Grewe D, Bojkova D, Baek K, Bhattacharya A, Schulz L, Widera M, Mehdipour AR, Tascher G, Geurink PP, Wilhelm A, van der Heden van Noort GJ, Ovaa H, Müller S, Knobeloch KP, Rajalingam K, Schulman BA, Cinatl J, Hummer G, Ciesek S, Dikic I (2020)
Nature doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2601-5. - Novel Hexb-based tools for studying microglia in the CNS.
Masuda T, Amann L, Sankowski R, Staszewski O, Lenz M, D Errico P, Snaidero N, Costa Jordão MJ, Böttcher C, Kierdorf K, Jung S, Priller J, Misgeld T, Vlachos A, Luehmann MM, Knobeloch KP, Prinz M (2020). Nat Immunol. 21(7):802-815. - Type I Interferon Regulates a Coordinated Gene Network to Enhance Cytotoxic T Cell-Mediated Tumor Killing.
Fan JB, Miyauchi S, Xu HZ, Liu D, Kim LJY, Burkart C, Cheng H, Arimoto KI, Yan M, Zhou Y, Győrffy B, Knobeloch KP, Rich JN, Cang H, Fu XD, Zhang DE (2020).
Cancer Discov. 10(3):382-393. - Post-translational control of T cell development by the ESCRT protein CHMP5.
Adoro S, Park KH, Bettigole SE, Lis R, Shin HR, Seo H, Kim JH, Knobeloch KP, Shim JH, Glimcher LH (2017).
Nat Immunol. 18(7):780-790. - Structural basis of the specificity of USP18 toward ISG15.
Basters A, Geurink PP, Röcker A, Witting KF, Tadayon R, Hess S, Semrau MS, Storici P, Ovaa H, Knobeloch KP*, Fritz G* (2017). *Equal contribution.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 24(3):270-278. - USP15 regulates type I interferon response and is required for pathogenesis of neuroinflammation.
Torre S, Polyak MJ, Langlais D, Fodil N, Kennedy JM, Radovanovic I, Berghout J, Leiva-Torres GA, Krawczyk CM, Ilangumaran S, Mossman K, Liang C, Knobeloch KP, Healy LM, Antel J, Arbour N, Prat A, Majewski J, Lathrop M, Vidal SM, Gros P (2017).
Nat Immunol. 18(1):54-63.