CIBSS Alumni

PD Dr. Marcel van Ackeren

PD Dr. Marcel van Ackeren


PD Dr. Marcel van Ackeren
Currently Visiting at: Oxford University,
Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics / Cologne University


Further Information


10 selected publications

  • Bernard Williams (On) Doing History of Philosophy. A Case Study on Ethics and Limits of Philosophy
    von Ackeren M.
    in: S.-G. Chappell/ M. v. Ackeren (eds.): Ethics beyond the Limits. New Essays on Bernard Williams’ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, Routledge: London (in print)
  • What makes a Moral Obligation demanding?
    van Ackeren M
    in: International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2018 (in print)
  • Moral Rationalism and Demandingness in a Kantian Moral Theory
    van Ackeren M, Sticker M.
    in: Kantian Review Volume 23, Issue 3, September 2018 , pp. 407-428
  • The Concept of "Sacrifice" in Contemporary Moral Theory
    van Ackeren M, Archer A.
    in: International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2018 (in print)
  • Kant the current Debate on Demandingness
    van Ackeren M, Sticker M.
    in: Kantian Review Volume 23, Issue 3, September 2018, pp. 373-378
  • The Demandingness of Beneficence and the Kantian System of Duties
    van Ackeren M, Sticker M.
    in: Social Theory and Practice 44 (3), 405-436
  • Philosophy and the Historical Perspective: A New Debate on an Old Topic
    *van Ackeren M.
    in: Ackeren, M. v. (ed.): Philosophy and the Historical Perspective (Proceedings of the British Academy 214), Oxford University Press 2018
  • On Interpreting Historical Texts and Contributing to Current Philosophy
    *van Ackeren M.
    in: Ackeren, M. v. (ed.): Philosophy and the Historical Perspective (Proceedings of the British Academy), Oxford University Press 2018
  • Bernard Williams
    *van Ackeren M, Chappell SG
    Oxford Bibliographies Online (Oxford University Press)
  • The Alleged Dualism of Practical Reasons and Moral Rationalism [Der vermeintliche Dualismus praktischer Gründe der rationale Vorrang der Moral]
    *van Ackeren M
    in: Hoffmann, M. / Schmücker, R. / Wittwer, H. (eds.): The Priority of the Moral [Vorrang der Moral], Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann