Associate Investigators · Investigators

Dr. Uwe Schulte

Dr. Uwe Schulte


Dr. Uwe Schulte
Institute of Physiology II (Facultv of Medicine)
University of Freiburg

T +49 761 203 5127

Further Information


10 selected publications:

  • Neuroplastin and Basigin Are Essential Auxiliary Subunits of Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPases and Key Regulators of Ca2+ Clearance.
    Schmidt N, Kollewe A, Constantin CE, Henrich S, Ritzau-Jost A, Bildl W, Saalbach A, Hallermann S, Kulik A, Fakler B, Schulte U (2017).
    Neuron. 96(4):827-838.e9.
  • The two-pore channel TPC1 is required for efficient protein processing through early and recycling endosomes.
    Castonguay J, Orth JHC, Müller T, Sleman F, Grimm C, Wahl-Schott C, Biel M, Mallmann RT, Bildl W, Schulte U, Klugbauer N (2017). Sci Rep.7(1):10038
  • Cryo-slicing blue native-Mass Spectrometry (csBN-MS), a novel technology for high resolution complexome profiling.
    Müller CS, Bildl W, Haupt A, Ellenrieder L, Becker T, Hunte C, Fakler B, Schulte U (2016).
    Mol Cell Proteomics 15:669-681
  • Modular composition and dynamics of native GABAB receptors identified by high-resolution proteomics.
    Schwenk J, Pérez-Garci E, Schneider A, Kollewe A, Gauthier-Kemper A, Fritzius T, Raveh A, Dinamarca MC, Hanuschkin A, Bildl W, Klingauf J, Gassmann M, Schulte U, Bettler B, Fakler B (2016).
    Nat Neurosci. 19(2):233-42.
  • Regional diversity and developmental dynamics of the AMPA-receptor proteome in the mammalian brain.
    Schwenk J, Baehrens D, Haupt A, Bildl W, Boudkkazi S, Roeper J, Fakler B*, Schulte U* (2014).
    Neuron. 84:41-54
  • Auxiliary GABAB receptor subunits uncouple G protein βγ subunits from effector channels to induce desensitization.
    Turecek R, Schwenk J, Fritzius T, Ivankova K, Zolles G, Adelfinger L, Jacquier V, Besseyrias V, Gassmann M, Schulte U, Fakler B, Bettler B (2014).
    Neuron. 82(5):1032-44.
  • High-resolution proteomics unravel architecture and molecular diversity of native AMPA receptor complexes.
    Schwenk J, Harmel N, Brechet A, Zolles G, Berkefeld H, Müller CS, Bildl W, Baehrens D, Hüber B, Kulik A, Klöcker N, Schulte U, Fakler B (2012).
    Neuron. 74(4):621-33.
  • GlialCAM, a protein defective in a Leukodystrophy, serves as a ClC-2 Cl− channel auxiliary subunit.
    Jeworutzki E, López-Hernández T, Capdevila-Nortes X, Sirisi S, Bengtsson L, Montolio M, Zifarelli G, Arnedo T, Müller CS, Schulte U, Nunes V, Martínez A, Jentsch TJ, Gasull X, Pusch M, Estévez R (2012).
    Neuron. 73:951-961
  • Extending the dynamic range of label-free Mass Spectrometric quantification of affinity purifications.
    Bildl W, Haupt A, Mueller CS, Biniossek ML, Thumfart JO, Hueber B, Fakler B, Schulte U (2012).
    Mol Cell Proteomics 11:M111.007955.
  • Quantitative proteomics of the Cav2 channel nano-environments in the mammalian brain.
    Müller CS, Haupt A, Bildl W, Schindler J, Knaus HG, Meissner, M Rammner B, Striessnig J, Flockerzi V, Fakler B, Schulte U (2011).
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:14950-14957