Macrophage derived cytokine signals as key regulators of metabolic tissue homeostasis and function in adult Drosophila melanogaster

Jun. Prof. Dr. Katrin Kierdorf (CIBSS-AI), Institute of Neuropathology (University Medical Center Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine)

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Cytokines are immune modulatory molecules which are released after infection or injury, but also involved in cell proliferation and differentiation during development. However, less is known about their physiological functions under steady state conditions in the adult organism. We recently identified a macrophage (plasmatocyte) derived steady state cytokine signal in adult muscle, which is detrimental for muscle function and metabolic homoeostasis in Drosophila. Within this project, we want to take advantage of the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and explore in depth the new identified role of macrophage derived cytokine signals as key regulators of metabolic tissue homeostasis and their function as regulators of metabolic processes in peripheral tissues in Drosophila. We aim to understand different steady state macrophage functions in adult Drosophila; explore their spectrum of cytokine signals to different organs and finally understand how these signals are integrated in metabolic processes within the target cells or tissues.