Associate Investigators

Dr. Elke Barbez

Group Leader

Dr. Elke Barbez


Dr. Elke Barbez

Institute of Biology II (Faculty of Biology)
University of Freiburg

T +49 761 203 2659

Further Information

10 selected publications:

  • FRUITFULL Is a Repressor of Apical Hook Opening in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Führer M, Gaidora A, Venhuizen P, Dobrogojski J, Béziat C, Feraru MI, Kleine-Vehn J, Kalyna M, Barbez E (2020).
    Int J Mol Sci. 21(17):6438.
  • PILS6 is a temperature-sensitive regulator of nuclear auxin input and organ growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Feraru E, Feraru MI, Barbez E, Waidmann S, Sun L, Gaidora A, Kleine-Vehn J (2019).
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116(9):3893-3898.
  • Auxin steers root cell expansion via apoplastic pH regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Barbez E, Dünser K, Gaidora A, Lendl T, Busch W (2017).
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(24):E4884-E4893.
  • Light triggers PILS-dependent reduction in nuclear auxin signalling for growth transition.
    Béziat C, Barbez E, Feraru MI, Lucyshyn D, Kleine-Vehn J (2017).
    Nat Plants. 3:17105.
  • A multi-marker association method for genome-wide association studies without the need for population structure correction.
    Klasen JR, Barbez E, Meier L, Meinshausen N, Bühlmann P, Koornneef M, Busch W, Schneeberger K (2016).
    Nat Commun. 7:13299
  • Auxin and Cellular Elongation.
    Velasquez SM, Barbez E, Kleine-Vehn J, Estevez JM (2016).
    Plant Physiol. 170(3):1206-15
  • An auxin transport mechanism restricts positive orthogravitropism in lateral roots.
    Rosquete MR, von Wangenheim D, Marhavý P, Barbez E, Stelzer EH, Benková E, Maizel A, Kleine-Vehn J (2013).
    Curr Biol. 23(9):817-22.
  • Single-cell-based system to monitor carrier driven cellular auxin homeostasis.
    Barbez E, Laňková M, Pařezová M, Maizel A, Zažímalová E, Petrášek J, Friml J, Kleine-Vehn J (2013).
    BMC Plant Biol. 13:20.
  • Divide Et Impera--cellular auxin compartmentalization.
    Barbez E, Kleine-Vehn J (2013).
    Curr Opin Plant Biol. 16(1):78-84
  • A novel putative auxin carrier family regulates intracellular auxin homeostasis in plants.
    Barbez E, Kubeš M, Rolčík J, Béziat C, Pěnčík A, Wang B, Rosquete MR, Zhu J, Dobrev PI, Lee Y, Zažímalovà E, Petrášek J, Geisler M, Friml J, Kleine-Vehn J (2012).
    Nature. 485(7396):119-22