Associate Investigators · Investigators

Dr. Eva Rog-Zielinska

Group/Section leader

Dr. Eva Rog-Zielinska


Dr. Eva Rog-Zielinska
Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine (IEKM), University Heart Center (UHZ), University of Freiburg

T +49 (0)761 270 63954

Further Information


Short statement:

The heart is constantly in motion thanks to the contraction of individual cardiac cells, but we rarely consider how the contraction of the heart affects the cardiac cells themselves. We use experimental approaches to investigate the dynamic cardiac ultrastructure on a nano-to-micro scale. We combine our experimental work (including advanced light and electron microscopy, life tracking of ion dynamics, contractility measurements, and single cell manipulation) with computational tools to understand how intracellular structures (such as individual organelles and the cytoskeleton) inside cardiac muscle cells deform during contraction, and how this deformation affects the function of individual cells and of the whole heart.

We are also interested in the novel ways in which the many different cell types in the heart communicate with one other, for example through dynamic membrane processes. We investigate this using a combination of live cell manipulations (genetic, environmental, pharmacological), imaging, and biochemical methods.


Cardiomyocyte, mechanics, machine learning-assisted image analysis, fibroblasts, tunnelling nanotubes

Ten most important publications

  • Disease severity, arrhythmogenesis, and fibrosis are related to longer action potentials in tetralogy of Fallot. Fürniss HE, Wülfers E, Iaconianni P, Ravens U, Kross J, Stiller B, Kohl P, Rog-Zielinska EA, Peyronnet R. Clin Res Cardiol 2023/113:716-727
  • Cardiac 3D nano-structure: form, function, future. Kohl P, Greiner J, Rog-Zielinska EA. Nat Rev Cardiol 2022/19:607-619
  • Beat-by-beat cardiomyocyte T-tubule deformation drives tubular content exchange. Rog-Zielinska EA, Scardigli M, Peyronnet R, Zgierski-Johnston CM, Greiner J, Madl J, O’Toole ET, Morphew MK, Hoenger A, Sacconi L, Kohl P. Circ Res 2021/128:2013-215
  • Nano-scale morphology of cardiomyocyte t-tubule/sarcoplasmic reticulum junctions revealed by ultra-rapid high-pressure freezing and electron tomography. Rog-Zielinska EA, Moss R, Kaltenbacher W, Greiner J, Verkade P, Seemann G, Kohl P, Cannell MB.. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2021/153:86-92
  • Sinoatrial node structure, mechanics, electrophysiology and the chronotropic response to stretch in rabbit and mouse. MacDonald EA, Madl J, Greiner J, Ramadan AF, Wells SM, Torrente A, Kohl P, Rog-Zielinska EA*, Quinn TA*. Front Physiol 2020/11:809
  • Junctophilin-2 expression rescues atrial dysfunction through polyadic junctional membrane complex biogenesis. Brandenburg S, Pawlowitz J, Eikenbusch B, Peper J, Kohl T, Mitronova GY, Sossalla S, Hasenfuss G, Wehrens X, Kohl P, Rog-Zielinska EA, Lehnart SE. JCI Insight 2019/4:e127116
  • Solute movement in the t-tubule system of rabbit and mouse cardiomyocytes. Kong CHT*, Rog-Zielinska EA*, Kohl P, Orchard CH, Cannell MB. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018/ 115(30):7073-7080
  • Species differences in the morphology of transverse tubule openings in cardiomyocytes. Rog-Zielinska EA, Kong CHT, Zgierski-Johnston CM, Verkade P, Mantell J, Cannell MB, Kohl P. Europace 2018/20:120-124
  • The living scar – cardiac fibroblasts and the injured heart. Rog-Zielinska EA, Norris RA, Kohl P, Markwald R. Trends Mol Med 2016/22:99-114
  • Electrotonic coupling of excitable and nonexcitable cells in the heart revealed by optogenetics. Quinn TA*, Camelliti P*, Rog-Zielinska EA*, Siedlecka U, Poggioli T, O'Toole ET, Knöpfel T, Kohl P. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2016/113:14852-14857