Research description
Our scientific goal is to gain a deeper molecular understanding of how signalling cues and epigenetic changes during early mouse development are integrated to regulate transcription factor specificity. Transcription factor (TF) binding is sequence specific with each TF possessing its distinct DNA binding motif. However, variations in binding site occupancy and thus TF functions in different cell types imply additional regulatory mechanisms for TF binding specificity. One key example for variation in TF functions occurs during early embryonic development, when two of the most fundamental lineage decisions, segregation between inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE), and specification of the three germ layers neuroectoderm (NE), mesoderm and endoderm (ME), are made. These two lineage decisions are regulated by overlapping sets of transcription factors, including CDX and TBX factors. However, the underlying mechanisms that account for differences of TF functions between these two lineage choices and the integration of signalling cascades and epigenetic regulation are largely unexplored.
Key words
Epigenetic mechanisms, transcription factor specificity, early mouse development, lineage segregation, mouse embryonic stem cells