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PD Dr. Joachim Boldt

PD Dr. Joachim Boldt


PD Dr. Joachim Boldt
Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (Faculty of Medicine)
University of Freiburg

T +49 761 203 5048

Further Information



Ethics, bioscience, responsible research, metaphor, narrative

10 selected publications:

  • Towards a Unified List of Ethical Principles for Emerging Technologies. An Analysis of Four European Reports on Molecular Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.
    Boldt J, Orru E (2022) Sustainable Futures. 10.1016/j.sftr.2022.100086
  • Evaluating models of consent in changing health research environments.
    Wiertz S, Boldt J (2022)
    Med Health Care and Philos; 10.1007/s11019-022-10074-3
  • The Concept of Vulnerability in Medical Ethics and Philosophy. Opportunities and Challenges.
    Boldt (2019) Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10.1186/s13010-019-0075-6.
  • Machine Metaphors and Ethics in Synthetic Biology.
    Boldt J (2018)
    Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10.1186/s40504-018-0077-y
  • Care in Healthcare. Reflections on Theory and Practice.
    Krause F, Boldt J (eds.) (2018)
    Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Synthetic biology. Metaphors, Worldviews, Ethics, and Law.
    Boldt J (ed.) (2016)
    Springer, Berlin.
  • Life as a Technological Product. Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of Synthetic Biology.
    Boldt J (2013)
    Biological Theory 8, 10.1007/s13752-013-0138-7
  • Do We Have A Moral Obligation to Synthesize Organisms to Increase Biodiversity? On Kinship, Awe, and the Value of Life's Diversity.
    Boldt J (2013)
    Bioethics 27; 411-418.
  • Creating Life: Synthetic Biology and Ethics.
    Boldt J (2013);
    In: Kaebnick GE, Murray TH (eds.)
    Synthetic Biology and Morality. Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature. MIT, Cambridge/MA, 35-50.
  • Newtons of the leaves of grass.
    Boldt J, Müller O (2008)
    Nature Biotechnology 26; 387-389.

10 selected publications:

  • Machine metaphors and ethics in synthetic biology.
    Boldt J (2018)
    Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14,1, doi: 10.1186/s40504-018-0077-y
  • Ethical principles for the use of human cellular biotechnologies.
    Wolpe PR, Rommelfanger KS, Drafting and Reviewing Delegates of the BEINGS Working Groups (2017).
    Nat Biotechnol. 35, 1050–1058.
  • Genetics, epigenetics, and forms of action. About the ethical ambivalence of epigenetic knowledge.
    Boldt J (2017). In: Reinhard Heil, Stefanie B Seitz, Harald König, Jürgen Robienski (Eds.): Epigenetics. Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects.
    Springer VS, p. 69-82.
  • Synthetic biology. Metaphors, Worldviews, Ethics, and Law.
    Boldt J (Hg.) (2016)
    Springer, Wiesbaden.
  • Ethische Prinzipien zur Beurteilung von neuen Biotechnologien. Ein Vergleich von drei Stellungnahmen.
    Boldt J (2016).
    Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik 24, S. 99-111.
  • Do We Have A Moral Obligation to Synthesize Organisms to Increase Biodiversity? On Kinship, Awe, and the Value of Life's Diversity.
    Boldt J (2013). Bioethics 27, 8, 411-418.
  • Life as a technological product. Philosophical and ethical aspects of synthetic biology.
    Boldt J (2013).
    Biological Theory 8, 4, 391-401.
  • Creating Life: Synthetic Biology and Ethics.
    Boldt J (2013). In: Gregory E. Kaebnick, Thomas H. Murray (Hg.): Synthetic Biology and Morality. Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature.
    MIT, Cambridge/MA, S. 35-50.
  • Leben schaffen? Ethische Reflexionen zur Synthetischen Biologie.
    Boldt J, Müller O, Maio G (Hg.) (2012).
    Mentis, Paderborn.
  • Newtons of the leaves of grass.
    Boldt J, Müller O (2008).
    Nat Biotechnol. 26,4, 387-389.